Monday, 11 May 2009

Ok, so this is new...

I have never really found myself as a 'blog' person but since I started to read my girlfriend's blog I have found myself rather compelled to write. Naturally I have no true writing flair and haven't a clue what to write about (ideas are more than welcome) but I still feel a need to be able to express my thoughts and feelings about the developing world around me in a semi-controlled manner.

I suppose I could have a ramble about inspiration. After all, it is what I am lacking at the moment. I have nothing, it seems that no matter how many times I peer around my room or browse the internet for the most random things, whether that be a children's TV programme or the plot of the last Eastenders episode, I still fail at finding something (yes, I did search both of those earlier).

As someone who is constantly searching for a sign or a breakthrough in knowledge I do tend to find that a lot of the time I fail. I mean I'm not the next Einstein and I'm certainly not setting out to follow the footsteps of Vivienne Westwood, but to have a flash, one tiny speck of their inspiration would be just a little bit thrilling for me right now. I don't know whether you've ever felt this before but no matter how hard you search for something you never seem to find it. Oh and just for the fact that it annoys me everytime; whoever said that the thing you're looking for is always in the last place you look should be sued for beating sarcasm in the race to becoming THE lowest form of wit. Ofcourse it is!! You wouldn't continue searching for something once you've found it.

Anyway back to the matter in hand... Inspiration! The food of life, which nurture our souls so that we may find true calling (yadda, yadda, yadda). I will find it one day, I will I promise and then I won't stop writing for weeks on end because it will just roll off my tongue as if I owned the words themselves. With inspiration everyone seems to find themselves, sort of like finding a really comfy pair of shoes which you never seem to grow out of and hold on for years on end. I guess at this moment in time I do know where I stand in this world, but not through inspiration. Whether this is starting to bore you or confuse you I'm not sure, but all I know is that even though we yearn to find the one thing we, as unique individuals, have to stand out from the rest of the population it is not to be found unless we search for it. So even though we may view inspiration as an act of fate or coincidence, I believe it is out there for everyone to discover in their own unique moment in time.

I'll make sure I'll tell you if that moment ever arrives but I don't see it happening too close in the future to be frank... That's another thing, why is it frank? Why not Michael or Robert or Steven or James??

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